A Gamification Example for HTAP / TLD
This series of weblogs will use an example from our agile software development background to describe Hybrid Transactional / Analytic Processing with Temporal Linked Data®.
Specifically, we will discuss:
- Agile Gamification—a description of the example application.
- Agile Gamification Model—what this model looks like as Temporal Linked Data® as well as its corollary TigerGraph graph database schema.
- Augmenting Operational Data with Gamification — why this example may be useful and how gamification can augment our understanding of existing operational data.
- Auto-Generated Backend — what is required to fully auto-generate an enterprise backend.
- Temporal Linked Data® as TigerGraph Schema with Temporality.
- The Value of Temporal Data, Transactionally and Analytically.
- Reasonable Conclusions about HTAP and Temporal Linked Data®.